How to Avoid 5 Common
Summer Injuries

Summer is the time of year that may see an uptick in accidents since so many more people are out and about driving and generally being more active. The good news is, by following some practical advice, you can avoid accidents and have a healthy and safe summer.
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Summer is nothing without some time spent in the pool. Nobody has more fun in the pool than kids and families! In order to avoid accidents and stay safe in pools, hot tubs, lakes, and coastal waters, it’s important to understand and implement the following tips.
The Red Cross defines being safe around water as being “water competent”[1]. Water competency encompasses three main parts:
- Water smarts
Being aware of your water surroundings is extremely important for keeping safe. There are many rules, including but not limited to, never swimming alone, only swimming sober, knowing how to call for help, and paying attention to the water environment you are in, including rip currents, water temperature, and unclear water.
- Swimming skills
Being a strong swimmer goes a long way towards being safe in the water. A good measure of that is having the ability to enter water that’s over your head and return to the surface, float or tread water for at least one minute, turn over and around in the water, swim at least 25 yards, and exit the water.
- Helping others
If you are a strong swimmer, then it’s your job to pay attention to children and weak swimmers around you. Make sure you are familiar with signs that someone is drowning and know how to assist them. Also, studying CPR and first aid can make you a real asset when in and around a body of water.
Swimming is one of the best parts of summer, that’s why it’s important to know how to do it safely to avoid accidents and keep your loved ones safe.
Bicycle crashes
Bike injuries are some of the most common of the summer and can result in cuts, scrapes, fractures, concussions or even fatalities. The most important thing you can do to stay safe on a bike is to wear a helmet. According to the CDC, helmets can reduce head injuries by 60 percent[2].
Additionally, you and your family should check your bikes to ensure they are functioning correctly after winter and review the rules of the road, explaining to children or new riders how to navigate around cars.
According to the Consumer Product Safety Commission, there was an estimated 10,000 fireworks-related injuries treated in emergency rooms during 2019, 73% of which were treated during the time- period between June 21 and July 21.4
If you are going to use fireworks, follow these safety guidelines from the Consumer Product Safety Commission[3]:
- Back up to a safe distance after lighting
- Never try to re-light or pick up a firework that never fully ignited
- Never point or throw fireworks at another person
- Keep a bucket of water or garden hose handy in case of fire or other mishaps
- Light fireworks one at a time
- Never carry fireworks in your pocket or shoot them off in glass or metal containers
Heat exhaustion
Heat stroke and heat exhaustion hit when the body becomes so heated that it is unable to properly cool itself, which can lead to serious health problems. The CDC provides several tips on how to avoid heat exhaustion[4].
1. When the temperature is high, stay indoors.
2. If you do go outdoors, wear a hat and lightweight, light-colored clothing.
3. Drink plenty of water.
4. Check on friends and neighbors at risk for heat related illness.
5. Find air-conditioned places to cool off (libraries, malls, movie theaters, etc.).
6. Never leave kids or pets in a parked car.
Heat exhaustion is more likely to affect babies, young children, older adults, and those with chronic medical conditions. Heat exhaustion does not usually lead to a major health problem, but if left untreated it can head to heatstroke and other complications including brain damage and organ failure[5].
If you or someone you know is overheated, make sure to get them to a cool place and rehydrate.
Car accidents
Obviously, car accidents happen all year long, but during the summer, people are eager to take vacations and they often hop in their car to get away. Coupled with summer heat, which can wear down tires, and road construction, which can cause hazardous driving conditions, there are often more accidents in summer months. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) declared that August is the most dangerous driving month of the year[6].
The Department of Transportation shared some tips for being more mindful on the road to help avoid accidents[7]:
- Do not send texts or check messages while driving
- Wear seat belts
- Use the correct car seats for children
- Drive slowly and carefully in poor weather
- Get your car checked before a long drive
Accidents can happen
While we can try our best to avoid accidents, they do happen. That’s why it’s important to be prepared for the unexpected.
At Combined Insurance, we offer a supplemental insurance product called Accident Protector. If you experience an accident, our Accident Protector may provide cash benefits you can use to help cover medical and non-medical expenses that may arrive. It can provide cash benefits that you can use for:
- Treatment due to an accident
- Hospital stays
- Medical appliances
- And more!
With Accident Protector, you are covered 24/7 whether you’re at work or on your own time and the benefits are paid directly to you, not to the hospital.
This summer, rest easy knowing financial assistance is available if you need it. Contact an Agent to learn more about Combined Insurance’s Accident Protector so you can feel confident knowing you and your family are covered in the event of an accident.
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This document is advisory in nature and is offered for informational purposes only as a resource to be used together with your professional insurance advisors in maintaining a loss prevention program. The information contained in this document is not intended as a substitute for legal, technical, or other professional advice. The Accident Champion policy is available for individuals or families. This is an accident only policy and does not provide benefits for loss due to sickness. The information provided by this document is only a brief description. See the actual policy for complete details of the policy plans, features, benefits, options, rates, definitions, limitations, and exclusions. Products vary by state and are subject to availability and qualifications. This product is issued by Combined Insurance Company of America (Chicago, IL) in all states, except New York. In New York, life, accident & sickness and disability insurance policies are issued by Combined Life Insurance Company of New York (Latham, NY). Combined Insurance Company of America (Chicago, IL) is not licensed and does not solicit business in New York.
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1- Water safety. American Red Cross. (n.d.). Retrieved July 6, 2022, from,Swim%20sober.
2- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2015, December 2). Bicycle helmet laws for children. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved July 6, 2022, from
3- Fireworks. U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. (2022, June 28). Retrieved July 6, 2022, from
4- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2020, December 21). Infographic: Avoid spot treat: Heat stroke & heat exhaustion. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Retrieved July 6, 2022, from
5- MediLexicon International. (n.d.). Heat exhaustion: Symptoms, treatment, risks, and more. Medical News Today. Retrieved July 6, 2022, from
6- George, D. (2019, September 27). IIHS: August is the Most Dangerous Driving Month. School Transportation News. Retrieved July 6, 2022, from
7- Road safety. NHTSA. (n.d.). Retrieved July 6, 2022, from
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