Asked Questions
Insurance doesn’t need to be complicated, and our customer care team is ready to help make this easy for you. You can browse this list of frequently asked questions for answers to many common customer concerns like billing, claims, technical support and how to reach us quickly.

Common FAQs
What is supplemental accident and health insurance?
Supplemental insurance policies are separate from your major medical insurance and help you pay for things associated with major injury or illness. The benefits are paid directly to you (or whomever you choose), not the medical provider, so you're able to use the benefits to pay for out-of-pocket medical costs, supplement lost wages or pay for some of the other unexpected expenses when a covered loss occurs.
If I purchase a supplemental accident and health insurance policy, do I still need major medical insurance?
Yes. Your major medical insurance coverage is important. Our affordable supplemental insurance products such as cancer, disability and accidental injury policies provide you with money to pay for some of the expenses not covered by major medical insurance.
What kinds of insurance products does Combined Insurance offer?
We offer a number of policies, including disability and life insurance, as well as supplemental accident and health insurance. We work to craft insurance that is easy to understand so you can make the right decisions about your coverage and find the best supplemental insurance policy to meet your needs.
How can I pay for the premiums on my policy?
You're able to pay for your Combined Insurance supplemental insurance policy in several convenient ways. The easiest way to pay your premium is to sign up for our convenient pre-authorized deductions from your checking account. You can also pay with a credit card, by one-time check or by mail. And, for your convenience, you can choose to make one payment for multiple policies.
Which credit cards do you accept?
We accept Visa and MasterCard. (Some restrictions may apply.) Please contact us at 1-800-225-4500 and one of our customer service specialists will assist you in processing your credit card payment. Our business hours are 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. CST, Monday through Friday.
How do I pay using one-time check payment?
You can contact us at 1-800-225-4500 and one of our customer service specialists will assist you. Our business hours are 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. CST, Monday through Friday.
What is the pre-authorized payment method?
Our pre-authorized payment plan is the easiest way for you to pay your premiums and ensure that your coverage is in force. You won't have to write checks or pay for postage and you'll have greater peace of mind. For more information contact us by phone, in writing or online.
When will the payment I make be applied to my policy?
It generally takes three to five business days for a payment to be reflected on your policy.
If I pay by phone, will my bill still be sent in the mail?
You may occasionally receive a premium notice after you make a payment, in these cases you can simply disregard the notice.
Will I be sent a receipt?
Your cashed check or credit card statement showing payment serves as your receipt. You also may contact our office at 1-800-225-4500 and one of our customer service specialists will assist you. Our business hours are 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. CST, Monday through Friday.
For more information contact us by phone, in writing or online.
Whom can I contact with additional questions about billing payment options?
You can contact our office at 1-800-225-4500 and one of our customer service specialists will assist you. Our business hours are 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. CST, Monday through Friday.
For more information contact us by phone, in writing or online.
How do I get help filing an online claim or online notice of death?
Call 1-800-225-4500 between the hours of 7:30 AM - 6:00 PM CST.
Canada residents call 1-888-234-4466.
How long from the date of the service do I have to file a claim?
In order to take care of your claim as soon as possible, we ask that you give us written notice of a claim within 30 days after a covered loss starts, or as soon as is reasonably possible.
Who should complete the claim form?
We provide you with instructions on who should complete the form and how to file it.
How do I get a claim form?
You can download a claim form and instructions on how to file a claim from our web site. Or you can call, write or fax us to request the appropriate form.
Where do I send the claim form to be processed?
Mail your completed claim form to:
Combined Insurance
Claim Department
P.O. Box 6700
Scranton, PA 18505-0700
Can I fax my claim to you?
You may fax your completed claim form to 312-351-6930.
I have questions about my claim, or would like to check the status of my claim. Whom do I call?
You can contact us at 1-800-225-4500 and one of our customer service specialists will assist you. Our business hours are 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. CST, Monday through Friday.
How do I add a dependent to the policy?
You can send your written request to:
Combined Insurance
Policyholder Services
P.O. Box 6703
Scranton, PA 18505-0703
How do I reinstate my policies?
Specific reinstatement procedures vary with each type of policy we offer. Please consult your policy for its specific reinstatement clause. You may also send a written reinstatement request to:
Combined Insurance
Policyholder Services
P.O. Box 6703
Scranton, PA 18505-0703
If your written request has been processed and your reinstatement application has been accepted, we will send you a letter indicating your reinstatement date. Once your reinstatement has been processed, we will send you a letter indicating the amount of premium that is to be submitted.
How do I change my bank account information?
You can contact us at 1-800-225-4500 and one of our customer service specialists will assist you. Our business hours are 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. CST, Monday through Friday.
Or you can download and print the Change your bank information form.
To determine your routing number, refer to your personal check. The routing number is always nine digits long and it is enclosed by colons. Your check number is not required. The location of the routing number and account number on your personal check varies depending on your bank.
Mail the completed form to:
Combined Insurance
APC Services
P.O. Box 6704
Scranton, PA 18505-0704
What information do I put on the beneficiary change form?
Download and print the change your beneficiary form. Complete the form and note that you need to indicate the policy number and the name(s) of the new beneficiaries. Mail the completed form to:
Combined Insurance
Policyholder Services
P.O. Box 6703
Scranton, PA 18505-0703
How can I change the way I pay my premium?
We offer several payment methods, including check-by-phone, pre-authorized checking account withdrawals, credit card, and standard mail billing. You can request a change by contacting us by phone, in writing or on-line.
How do I increase benefits on my life policy?
You can request a change or increase in benefits by phone, in writing or on-line. We consider each request on a case-by-case basis.
How do I change the ownership of my life policy?
Download and print the change ownership form. Complete the form and be sure to include the policy number and the name(s) of the new owner(s). Mail the completed form to:
Combined Insurance
Policyholder Services
P.O. Box 6703 Scranton,
PA 18505-0703
How do I obtain a duplicate copy of my policy?
You can obtain a copy of your policy by phone, in writing or on-line.
Is there a way I can manage my accounts online?
Our self service portal provides instant access to your policies, payment history and claim information. You can also use the portal to update your personal information and make one time payments. Register and access the portal.
Who do I contact if I am a California resident who needs an interpreter/translator to help talk with my doctor or insurance company?
Review this document to find out how to locate an interpreter.
Why do I get privacy notices?
We value your privacy, just as you do. Our privacy notices let you know our policies regarding privacy and how we utilize the information we maintain on our customers.
Where can I get more information on your privacy practices?
View our Privacy statement.
How do I obtain a Privacy or HIPAA brochure?
You can request this information by phone, in writing or on-line, or you can access our Privacy Policy and HIPAA statement online.
Whom do I contact if I'm having trouble using your web site?
You can contact us at 1-800-225-4500 and one of our customer service specialists will assist you. Our business hours are 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. CST, Monday through Friday.
Why can't I view forms on this site?
Many of the forms on our web site require you to use Adobe Acrobat Reader to view them. Most newer computers already have this program installed. If yours doesn't, you can download Adobe Acrobat Reader for free from Adobe's web site.
What is Adobe Acrobat Reader and do I need it?
Adobe Acrobat Reader is a free plug-in for your browser that allows you to open and read certain document files types known as PDF (portable document format).
Combined Insurance uses PDF files for our downloadable forms. If you need Adobe Acrobat Reader, follow the directions on Adobe's web site.
What are your business hours if I need to contact you by phone?
To speak to a customer service representative please call 1-800-225-4500. Our business hours are 7:30 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. CST, Monday through Friday.
What address do I send written inquiries to?
You can send your written correspondence to:
Combined Insurance
Policyholder Services
P.O. Box 6703
Scranton, PA 18505-0703